Saturday, August 8, 2009

The New Fascism- Part II

This blog started with a description of the coming fascist rule. Only the blind, or intentionally self deceived, can not see what is happening. The latest development is the first time I can remember where, right out in the open, the Administration (as radicals used to like to say in the Nixon years) is openly calling for Americans to 'rat' on one another.

This is just another step down the road to tyranny and despotism in our nation's government. We are moving away from a being a nation of laws to a nation being ruled. That is exactly what the American Revolution was all about. The "world turned upside down" indeed!

Democratic 'lawmakers' are decrying being 'assaulted' at town hall meetings. However, they are behind the real assaulting that is going on. They say (falsely) that angry constituents are carrying 'swastikas' (seen any pictures or first hand witnesses to that?) and intimidating speakers and meeting organizers. Yet, the only true violence identified so far was against a conservative (black) man by union thugs, working at the behest of the White House ("Hit back twice as hard"- White House advice to Democrats, quoted in numerous media outlets). Hit back twice as hard indeed---the man had to go to the ER with multiple injuries.

Meanwhile, Democrats are cancelling their meetings (pretty neat trick---they then can claim later they did not receive negative feedback on the health care plan, natch---and they don't have to put up with unhappy constituents! A two-fer) They believe all sorts of odd things (for example, that the people showing up at their town hall meetings are not actually their constituents, a claim routinely proved false). A few Lapdog Republicans are also feeling the heat---we haven't heard any of them are cancelling their town halls, though.

The Dems just aren't feeling the love and that is something they think they are entitled to, because...because, uh, why? Must have something to do with welfare, bailouts and clunkers, eh?

Fortunately, the American people can't be bought so cheaply, and the Dems are beginning to see that. One can only hope and pray that this is the fascist's high tide and NOW "We the People" will begin to take back that which is OURS.

One prays this is so.


(Thanks to for the poster art)


  1. Finn Mac said...


    Please note that the previous article extensively referred to and an article atributed to James Taranto, that appeared on July 30, 2009 in the WSJ. HOWEVER, this was in error. The article and comments referred to were in an article by JAMES LEWIS, in the American Thinker. SR (and MC) regret the error, which has been corrected. We have high regard for Mr. Taranto and were shocked at the comments in the article---with good reason---they were not Mr. Taranto's comments, but another James entirely. Our error is corrected, and our (misplacedly shaken) faith in James Taranto is restored
