Thursday, September 17, 2009


Representative Joe Wilson, in uttering those words, entered them into the political lexicon of our Republic. And for once, after saying them, unlike so many other politicians, he didn't retract them.

Then comes the storm!

Maureen Dowd is a mind reader. She knows that what Joe really said was "You lie, boy!". I mean, he is from the South, so he must be a bigot, yes? And Jimmy Carter is from the South, too!

But- he says that it was racist of Joe to say "You lie!"- that he never would have said that if the President was white! Wow, what powers of deduction are at work.

So---not everyone from the South is a bigot- right Jimmy? How to tell the difference, one wonders? Oh- I get it---if you SUPPORT the President, you can't be a bigot. And if you don't, you are de facto, a bigot. That clears things up, doesn't it?

Of course, recent polls show that 92% of respondents say they would vote for a qualified candidate for President regardless of race. (Do 92% of the respondents live outside the South?).

Then comes...Bill Cosby!

Who says...yeah, the poll result was 92%, but , come on, that leaves almost 10% of people who DO consider race...and who knows how many people didn't answer the poll truthfully?! So, there must be a whole lot more closet bigots out there, right?

Like...Jimmy Carter? He is truly an anti-semite, but, somehow that isn't racist or bigoted in the stranger and stranger liberal culture, these days.

Methinks, most of those liberal pundits and their fellow travellers hurling invective at Joe and by association, anyone who doesn't support (no, worship) the President, 'because he is black'---are projecting their own inner racism.

As the Bard once said: "Methinks thou doth protest too much"!

Something going on with that 'Joe Wilson' name and the truth, hmm?! The first one (Yellow Cake Joe) on one side of that equation- and this one on the other- the side of Truth.
