Sunday, March 15, 2009

Another Week, Another Faux Pas

And so it goes.

More presidential nominations withdrawn. More international offenses given (this from the President who was going to 'revitalize' (or should we say 'reset') our relations overseas). Perhaps the mistranscription of the the Russian word for 'reset' as 'overcharge' is highly appropriate, especially in light of the 'stimulus' porkage, er , package. One wonders which heads rolled over that. At least Hillary had grace under pressure, and made a laugh of it (at Obama's expense?).

The lapdog 5th Estate is beginning to get a tad uneasy. As are a number of prominent Democrats. And if the Republicans can either transform Steele or discard him and find someone to better serve, then they may truly become a phoenix rising from the ashes. Time will tell. Between Obama's seeming lack of competence and Steele's foot in mouth disease, one wonders (and remember, I hailed the selection of Steele!). Maybe the education revolution that moved away from the three R's and competition is bearing it's bitter fruit in our 'rising, new' national leadership? Lots of self esteem and no common sense and poor judgement to boot. But wait, it'll all resolve after the commercial. Isn't every (TV) problem solved in 48 minutes of air time, or less?

In the meantime, North Korea has moved to a war footing, and other than one day of alarming press coverage...who is taking notice?

Stay tuned.
