Saturday, February 28, 2009

In Space, No One Can Hear You...LIE.

Recently there was a report of two satellites that collided 'over Siberia'. One was described as 'an old Russian military satellite' and one was as an 'Iridium Comsat'.

Over Siberia. Convenient.

Consider for a moment (as Rod Serling would say) the vast empty square miles of space around the earth. Much was made of how crowded the orbital lanes have become.

But they aren't. There are millions and millions of square miles of empty space, and only thousands of satellites and other objects circling the globe. Sounds like a lot of objects, doesn't it?

But then consider that space is 3 dimensional. Consider that the only other time there was a collision, it was intentional on the part of the Chinese. The only other time.

So, how likely was it that this really was an accident? Two satellites, occupying a few square feet among billions of square feet of empty space. And, I never saw mention in the media that one was in a polar orbit , one in a more inclined equatorial orbit...moving at right angles to one another, more or less- making it all the more unlikely that they would manage to occupy exactly the same space at exactly the same time! Over Siberia.


This 'accident' was more likely either a test on the part of the Russians of a space based weapon system---and/or a warning. With the increased tension between Russia and the US as backdrop, this seems a more likely scenario than an accident.

The US Military subsequently says that there is no danger of space debris from the 'accident' entering the atmosphere after several events where 'meteors' were seen, even in broad daylight, in the days after the event. At the same, time, the FAA issues a NOTAM that airlines and other pilots should be aware that space debris is indeed a possible danger to aircraft.

So, who is credible, who is telling the truth?

I'll go with the FAA...and reason that the military has every motivation to maintain this was an accident. Even when common sense says it almost certainly was not.

And, now, we hear nothing, not a peep, ever though it was reported at the time that thousands of pieces of space debris that could be very dangerous were created by this collision.

Where is the best place to hide, even in space?

In plain sight.

Remember, in space no one can hear you...LIE.


Saturday, February 14, 2009


As the bodies pile up around President Obama's nomination process (latest and most principled withdrawal is Judd Gregg), one notices the opprobrium heaped on the President and his team, just as happened with George Bush.

No, we don't.

'Nuff said on that topic.

Diana West, one of the best contemporary/political writers around, wrote recently about, what I believe, is one of the biggest 'hiding in plain sight' secrets---what happened to our economy? WHY did it suddenly collapse? I noticed the timing in the article...Near September 11, 11am on the day in question...likely no coincidence.

As you read the article she wrote, which I have copied here in it's entirety and exactly as written, ask yourself...where did the $550,000,000,000 go?

Diana asks, why no ones cares, cares to know, who did this?

I think 'our' government knows. Read this, it's the most important article you'll have read in a long time, and likely to stay that way until the truth is known.

Here is the article :

Who Attacked Our Economy? Why Does No One Care? by Diana West

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I want you to read something. It's a snatch of transcript from a Jan. 27 C-SPAN interview with Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa., that has received zero coverage in what we think of as the mainstream media.

To set the C-SPAN scene, Kanjorski is harkening back to the middle of last September, when, as it happens, John McCain was enjoying his brief lead in the presidential polls and the economy as we knew it was imploding. Here's what Kanjorski said:
"I was there when the Secretary (of the Treasury Hank Paulson) and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve (Ben Bernanke) came those days and talked to members of Congress about what was going on. It was about Sept. 15. Here's the facts, we don't even talk about these things.
"On Thursday at about 11 o'clock in the morning, the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous drawdown of money market accounts in the United States to the tune of $550 billion, as being drawn out in the matter of an hour or two.
"The Treasury opened up its window to help. It pumped $105 billion into the system and quickly realized that they could not stem the tide. We were having an electronic run on the banks. They decided to close the operation, close down the money accounts and announce a guarantee of $250,000 per account so there wouldn't be further panic out there, and that's what actually happened."
Kanjorksi continued:
"If they had not done that, their estimation was that by 2 o'clock that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the United States, would have collapsed the entire economy system of the United States and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.
"Now we talked at that time about what would happen if that happened. It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it. And that's why when they made the point we've got to do things quickly, we did."
These are staggering revelations. (Watch them yourself here.) Given their sudden appearance out of the blue, you have to wonder, first, could they possibly be true? If so, why weren't we the people told about this $550 billion electronic run on the banks? And why haven't we heard a word of it since? Even since Kanjorski spoke on C-SPAN last month, there has been scant MSM coverage. The story's biggest exposure came when Rush Limbaugh played the audio and analyzed it on the air this week. Otherwise, the story has been little more than blogfodder, appearing at places such as and the Economist blog with little comment. Writing at this week, Felix Salmon quite decisively dismissed the whole story as "fiction."
Is it? If what Kanjorski says is "fiction," Americans, particularly Americans in Kanjorski's 11th district of Pennsylvania, need to know. After all, this isn't a story that just goes away on its own, particularly not when Paul Kanjorski is chairman of the Capital Markets Subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee. Of course, incredible as Kanjorski's revelations were, almost equally incredible was the interviewer's failure to ask the next obvious question of national interest: Who or what was responsible for that electronic run on the banks "to the tune of $550 billion"?
That's where Limbaugh went with the story. "Now, let's assume for a second here that elements of this are true," Limbaugh said of Kanjorski's statement. "Let's assume that there was a $550 billion ... electronic run on the banks and money market accounts in one to two hours. The question is who was doing this? Who was withdrawing all this money? And the next question is why? That's where my mind starts exploding, and this is dangerous to have these explosions going this way. Could it have been George Soros? Could it have been a consortium of countries -- Russia, China, Venezuela -- countries that are eager to have Barack Obama elected because they know that will make it easier for them to continue their own foreign policies in the world?"
I've heard serious people float similar theories regarding financial attacks on our economy emanating from the Middle East, but again, who knows?
One thing we do know is that former President Bush made extremely cryptic public statements regarding the stability of our markets at this time in question last September, statements noted by Accuracy in Media's Cliff Kincaid. These began with a Sept. 18 Bush announcement that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was stepping up its enforcement action "against illegal market manipulation." As Kincaid wondered, manipulation "by whom or what? The President didn't say." On Sept. 19, President Bush further announced that the SEC had "launched rigorous enforcement actions to detect fraud and manipulation in the market. Anyone engaging in illegal financial transactions will be caught and persecuted (sic -- good ol' W.)." Again, what was Bush talking about?
On that same day, Kincaid reports, "the SEC announced a `sweeping expansion of its ongoing investigation into possible market manipulation in the securities of certain financial institutions.'" Why? What was going on? If ever there was a vital, compelling reason for congressional hearings, Kanjorski's "electronic run on the banks" story is it.

Copyright © 2009 Salem Web Network. All Rights Reserved.

We will follow up on this in days to come. Stay tuned. Congressional hearings? Not a chance, now. maybe later. Time will tell.

It always does.


Saturday, February 7, 2009


New ideas! Change! In spite of President Obama's promises for changing the way 'Washington' does business, even I never imagined he'd go this far!

Pundits galore declaim how aweful (sic on purpose) the last two weeks have been for our new President, as nominee after nominee comes up with undisclosed tax problems.

One wonders: "How can Team Obama be doing such a lousy job of screening the candidates? How embarrassing for the President!"

Except- they aren't/it isn't. It's part of The Plan to stimulate the economy. Known as:

Stimulus Plan of Obama Nominees- SPOON.

Get it?

How wonderfully inventive and out of the box. Look at all the hundreds of thousands of dollars the President has pumped back into the economy by deliberately selecting candidates who have past tax liabilities, that, upon public disclosure, have to be paid up as a price of admission to whichever position they have been nominated for.



It hasn't quite worked out that way, nomination wise---tax collection wise yes, but...

Bill Richardson should have been a warning shot across the bow that the 'strategy' needed some fine tuning. But, in spite of 'tax issues', the President got a few past the nomination process, then the whole thing went on the rocks. Great idea, although, it's more the quantity and frequency that is 'new' for this type of 'problem'. On the upside, the SPOON extends even to family members (Hilda Solis's husband). And the Daschle approach (tax on 'freebies') was really a nice touch.

But, hey...isn't this a variation on pay to play? We guess the Washington version isn't working any better than the Chicago Way.

Let's see how "Treasury Tim" plays out...maybe he is leading by example? (Irony detectors on, please).