Sunday, July 19, 2009

"Judicial DeMeanor"

Sotomayor Samba II
Judge Sotomayor is widely quoted as having said that the judgement of a "wise Latina woman" is superior to that of (old) white males (and presumably old, white females, too); her judgement in the Connecticut fire department test case was unanimously overturned by the USSC; and a number of Senators have said directly, or directly, that she is lying to the Senate, under oath, about previously statements and actions (and lost is that she was member of an all women's club until AFTER her nomination was made). As one Senator remarked (I couldn't believe he would actually say this, out loud---hooray! It's exactly what I was thinking!)---'What do you think would happen to me, as a white male, if I said and did the things you did?'. Sotomayor's rejoinder was that she could understand how he felt about all that (ah, empathy!), had to consider the context (what does THAT mean?).

However, Senator Arlen Specter clarified all that for us, by telling us what is THE really, really important quality that this nominee brings to the table- she has a 'judicial demeanor'!

So THAT is what it takes to become a Supreme. It's all about 'attitude'!

And the "Lapdog Republicans" are rolling over as fast as they can, announcing they won't hold up the hearings, announcing as early as they can they will vote yes, etc.

Honestly, I am not sure what kind of judge she will make. BUT, she has a history of making the kind of comments and allusions that would sink any white male/female candidate for ANY position at the federal level. The fact that this history of comments, allusions and associations (The Belizean Grove, La Raza, etc) is being given such short shrift means that, ironically, she is being given a pass, most likely BECAUSE she is a 'minority' candidate. Racism and sexism being given a pass for these reasons---isn't that racism in and of itself?

Russians refuse to shake hands with Obama?

No! This is a typical example of Obama being VERY CLEVER. Remember when he kowtowed to the Saudi King---and then denied that we had seen that with our very eyes? (He did kowtow). Then there were the two cases wherein he allegedly is looking at the 'backside' of first one (16 year old) and then another (older) youth delegate and staffer, respectively, at the G8 Summit. In the first case, he actually was looking elsewhere (checking where he was going to step). In the second case, hard to say.

Now this. The right wing blogosphere just ignited upon seeing the MSNBC Andrea Mitchell video that seems to show a line of Russians refusing to shake Obama's hand, but shaking the Russian President's! Just one problem...not so! The edited video skips past Obama shaking hands with Russians to Obama introducing American staffers to President Medvedev.

Here is where he is so clever. If you look at how Obama is holding his hands, you can see that a case can be made (this is what my wife saw) that he is deliberately making it appear that he is being snubbed. You may be skeptical of this, but, I emphasize, there is no overstating the guile and wiliness of this individual. Look how he is 'hiding in plain sight" on the birth certificate issue!

There are two motives here. First, he is looking back over his shoulder to the Saudi incident, where he did exactly what is seen. By discrediting subsequent 'video veritas' moments, he casts doubt on THAT incident---subsequent events provide cover for preceding events.

And, more importantly---the 'right' (and a few on the 'left' and mainstreams media, too---especially in regard to the G8) jumped right on the bandwagon---and look foolish after the fact. Therefore, discrediting their FUTURE credibility. And intimidating them. After all, if what you see turns out to be not what you think it was, and the President is right, after all, every time...

I have said in the past that President Obama is not the "sharpest knife in the drawer". I withdraw that hasty assessment. This is one sharp dude. And the more dangerous for it.

Truth must be served, not just what we 'would like to see'. Every time a 'scandal' like this pops up, we who want to hold the President accountable must give it a second and third look before deciding whether we 'trust our lying eyes'! OUR future credibility depends on it. Putin may be have a black belt in judo; Obama is a master of political ju-jitsu. We must make strenuous efforts to ensure that he cannot gain leverage against the truth.

No, you won't read this or anything like it in the mainstream media and blogs- they have been both co-opted and embarrassed at the same time. Nullified, is more like it. Even Helen Thomas recently said that even Nixon never did 'anything like what Obama is doing'. (Query: Was she criticizing the President- or admiring him? Or both?).

Think about it. Think about why this blog is named SAMIZDAT Republic. Only the underground press can shine the light, even now. It will get worse---hopefully, it will eventually get better.

Let's pray so, and soon.

